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E-Invoicing Poland - What is KSeF and why should you use it?

Updated: Nov 5, 2023

e-invoice pictrue

KSeF is an acronym for the National e-Invoice System, which is a new solution introduced by the Polish Ministry of Finance to simplify and streamline the invoicing process in Poland. KSeF allows you to issue and receive structured invoices, i.e. invoices that have a specific XML format and contain all the necessary data to document the transaction.

Currently, e-invoicing by KSeF is a voluntary solution that started on January 1, 2022. However, as of July 1, 2024, it will be mandatory for most VAT taxpayers in Poland. Therefore, it is worth getting acquainted with its advantages and possibilities now.

Using KSeF brings many benefits for entrepreneurs, such as:

  • saving time and money - issuing and receiving structured invoices is faster, simpler and cheaper than traditional invoicing methods. There is no need to print, send or store paper invoices, and there is no risk of losing or damaging them.

  • security and credibility - structured invoices are protected against forgery and manipulation thanks to the use of an electronic signature and a qualified certificate. In addition, invoices are stored in the secure IT system of KSeF for 10 years from the end of the tax year in which they were issued.

  • automation and integration - structured invoices can be easily processed by accounting systems and other business applications thanks to their uniform format and data structure. You can also use free tools provided by the Ministry of Finance or commercial programs for issuing and receiving structured invoices.

  • availability and mobility - structured invoices are available online at any place and time using the KSeF taxpayer's application or other tools. They can also be easily shared with other entities or control authorities.

However, e-invoicing in Poland by KSeF also has some disadvantages and risks, such as:

  • the need to adapt IT systems to the XML format and integrate with KSeF,

  • the risk of data loss or KSeF system failure, which make it unable to issue an invoice,

  • no possibility to issue invoices in a form other than structured,

  • limiting the entrepreneurs' freedom to choose the method of invoicing,

  • lack of certainty as to the obligation of foreign entities to use the system.

How to prepare for the KSEF?

In order to avoid problems related to the obligation to apply the NFS, entrepreneurs should:

  • get acquainted with the legal and technical basics of KSeF,

  • check whether their invoicing programs are compatible with KSeF or use free tools provided by the Ministry of Finance, especially for foreign entities with a permanent place of business in Poland

  • test KSeF operation in a test or pre-production environment,

  • obtain appropriate authorizations to issue and receive structured invoices by obtaining an appropriate electronic certificate by persons authorized to issue e-invoices.

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